by Kapila Ganesh | Nov 11, 2021 | ACC, Coaching, Coaching Culture, ICF Coach training, ICF Coaching
“Coaching competencies complete an HR Leader.” – Regal Unlimited The time has arrived for the HR leaders to focus on coaching initiatives in their organizations. Considering the turbulent changes, traditional developmental interventions are becoming less...
by Admin | Sep 28, 2021 | ACC, Coaching Culture, ICF Coach training, ICF Coaching
While Coaching in sports and academics has shown tangible value, I have often wondered, what is the real value of coaching to an organization, its culture, and delivering value to the business? This power talk by business leaders from two highly respected...
by Jayan | Sep 27, 2021 | ACC, Coaching, Coaching Culture, ICF Coach training, ICF Coaching
At the outset, let me confess that I was personally looking forward to this session, and I must commend the organizing team of ICF Coaching Conclave 2021, India to have included a diverse set of speakers for the event. Amongst listening to the vibrant topics like...
by Kapila Ganesh | Sep 27, 2021 | ACC, Coaching Culture, ICF Coach training, ICF Coaching
A growing number of organizations build a coaching culture that offers employees at all levels the opportunity to grow their skills, enhance their value and reach their professional goals while building a high-performance organization. Coaching culture in...
by Jayan | Sep 20, 2021 | ACC, Become a Coach, Executive Coaching, ICF Coach training, ICF Coaching, Leaders as Coaches, Professional Coach, Team Coaching
The ICF Coaching Conclave 2021, India had a series of accomplished leaders sharing their most valuable insights covering a vast range of topics revolving around coaching. I also got an opportunity to listen to some of the brilliant minds of the Industry. I attempt to...
by regal-admin | Mar 25, 2019 | ACC, Coach Training, ICF PCC
Day 4, session 2, of Coacharya ACTP #ICFCoachTraining at Bengaluru by Regal Unlimited: As coaches, who are aligned with the ICF code of ethics, we don’t believe in breaking rules. But session -2 onwards, the focus is on moving from the science to the art, to serve the...