Day 4, session 2, of Coacharya ACTP #ICFCoachTraining at Bengaluru by Regal Unlimited:
As coaches, who are aligned with the ICF code of ethics, we don’t believe in breaking rules. But session -2 onwards, the focus is on moving from the science to the art, to serve the customer. The effort is to be artistic within the framework of ICF coaching competencies. ACTP coach training for coach certification and ICF credential thereafter is 80% ICF Coaching Competencies.
We coach the #iCFway
Started the day with the review & reflection on the journey so far. The learning & challenges. The new awareness. The common thread was about self-awareness, and being a coach, not just while coaching, but even at home, the ‘final frontier’ for acceptance as a coach, a new avatar! Most of us would not have demonstrated #CC at home earlier, active listening is one of them?
This is first a journey to deeper awareness, the ICF credential is secondary. Benefits being holistic, powerful.
We covered International Coach Federation #CC 2–4, in detail.
Spent some time on #goalsetting, moving from CC2 as a process to the art.

Trust & intimacy is relevant not in just a coaching situation, but in every relationship. Trust cannot be taken for granted in any relationship.
Often we ignore the need to be empathetic about other person’s expectations related to trust.
Coaching Presence is my favorite ICF #CC.
What does it take to strengthen this competency, Coaching Presence?
Discussed #metaphors. ‘Be like water, my friend’, Bruce Lee (Lao Tsu’s original quote). We had a wheel, a mountain, a graph, a tree, and a diya as metaphors in the room.
What is your metaphor, my friend?
Learned Optimism & Biology of Belief (Dr @BruceLipton) were discussed too, along with a few other relevant concepts.

Then we did some coaching practice, our focus area. Also USP.
We coach the best. That is what we train the coaches for.
We had eminent coaches, Narayanan PK, CEO Coach, and Rama Kannan, MCC, joining us to take the sessions deeper. A bit about branding, managing the business of coaching to the art of coaching were the areas on which the group got inputs.
PK’s video on clarity – I loved it: ‘Clarity is power – When a leader has it, the team gets it! A coach could help.’

Satsang: One of the collateral benefits of coaching practice is the opportunity to connect with fellow coaches, for continued learning, collaboration.
In session 2, our focus is to move a strong foundation of process/science to the realm of art. All in the service of the coachee.
#DYK: Our programs are accredited by ICF, EMCC & CCE, top 3 coaching bodies globally.
Day 5: We started the day with coaching practice, the #iCFway.
We discussed Inner Game (Timothy Gallwey) and Carl Rogers (Unconditional Positive Regard)
And this comes up on my Facebook memories: It is all about tapping into Self2, instead of Self1. We call it the #InnerGameOfCricket, based on the brilliant work by Tim Gallwey.
The second half of the morning session was facilitated by Ram Ramanathan, founder, Coacharya. Ram, our mentor coach and himself an MCC (ICF), SP(EMCC) and BCC(CCE), shared his perspectives, uncovered nuances of ICF #CCs, linked them with leadership and then demonstrated them all in a coaching conversation with one of the learner-coaches. It was mastery in a flow.

We also had Venkat ‘Bobby’ with us, sharing his thoughts. Bobby is our alum (#RegalCoaches), and VP, ICF Bengaluru Charter Chapter.
We discussed #RegalAt60 and business wheel. Also #CC 5–8.

On Friday, it was AWS related to logistics next door. Interesting, having spent bulk of my banking career financing clients in the areas of logistics. Cloud and all its tech variants being the in-thing.
We coaches are not worried about ‘job loss’ arising out of AI, tech, yet!
On Saturday, the whole area was full of josh. There was this sale of premium clothes, food items, etc. Holi celebration next door, with all the sound pollution. Occasional disturbances from within the property.
We were focused on our need to learn & grow.

Got the first image from a friend.
Life is a journey… coaching is a journey within the journey. Outside the comfort zone to reach our full potential.
We ended the journey on a high note, ‘blissful‘!
Day 6
We resolved to keep the sessions tight in terms of timings so that we could pack as much into it.
We started off with coaching practice.
We had one of our #RegalCoaches, Rekha, drop by and introduce the concepts of Transactional Analysis (TA) to the cohort. We discussed Otto Schumer’s Theory U, ‘Coaching for Performance’, and ‘Triggers’.
Coaching is bigger than Coaching – Sir John Whitmore
And we practiced more.
The magic we create! Three days of magic, full of learning. The end of classroom training for this batch of great leaders, the beginning of deeper learning, of self and coaching.
We reflected on ‘the art of stillness’. It is in ‘stillness, we can tap into our S2 (#innergame), a life long journey. That is where we will tap into the art of coaching…

We had The opportunity to listen to eminent coaches Sridhar Laxman & Hari Menon in our session-1. Madhu, on his PCC journey with us from a previous batch, came over and shared his journey so far.