regal unlimited

regal unlimited

Mastering Leadership with 10 Essential Skills for CXOs Through Coaching
In this fast-paced era of AI and a highly competitive corporate landscape, leading with excellence is not just a goal - but a mandate. Adding Coaching to your Executive Leadership Style offers a...
Top 10 Skills You Can Develop Through Executive Leadership Coaching
In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the essence of effective leadership has changed. It goes beyond just technical expertise. Executive leadership coaching is emerging as a powerful tool for...
How ICF Coaching Can Transform Leadership Skills in the Workplace
How ICF Coaching with Regal Unlimited Can Transform Leadership Skills in the Workplace One of our learner coaches came from a humble background, starting his career as an entry-level techie. He was...
12 Glorious Years of Regal Unlimited
Time Flies and How! Regal Unlimited came to life on 12th December 2012, as a manifestation of our founder Subash CV’s spiritual connection and purpose to inspire self-discovery, growth, and...
Being a Mindful Coach: Recognising Invisible Disabilities
Author: Sweta Kumari Being a Mindful Coach: Recognising Invisible Disabilities As coaches, we often engage in rituals that foster connection and understanding with our clients. One of these...
Top Reasons to Pursue ICF Certification for Professional Coaching Excellence
Professional Coaching is quickly gaining the right amount of traction, just as it deserves. Consequently, the coaching industry is growing leading to an increasing need for professional coaching...
How ICF PCC Certification Can Boost Your Coaching Skills and Client Trust
Introduction: Why Coaching Credentials Matter Today, everybody calls themselves a coach, whether mentors, counsellors, therapists, or YouTubers. As the market becomes more crowded with these...
Have You Discovered the Leader Within?
Regal Unlimited’s 12th year anniversary is just around the corner and it feels like the perfect time to reflect on our journey. Back in May, we took the opportunity to review our direction and...
People. Potential. Planet. – Regal in 2024
What an incredible year it has been! Kickstarted by a joyous celebration of Regal@10 we kept up the momentum all through to provide the best in coaching & coach training. Here are a few key...
ICF CC3: Creating Coaching Containers – Establishing and Maintaining Agreements
Author - Meena Venkataraman The third coaching competency as established by the ICF deals with establishing and maintaining agreements. However, if we step back from coaching for a moment I would...
ICF CC6: Listens Actively
Author: J LakshminarayananOverviewListen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we...
ICF CC5: Coaching Presence – Thoughts from a learner coach
Author: Subramani BIntroduction- Presence of PotentialThe International Coaching Federation defines Coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires...