I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else — Pablo Picasso.
Our coach-training journey, ICF approved Coacharya ACTP Coach Training by Priya Ramesh & yours truly, is pretty much like that. The science, process of coaching practise moves to the art of coaching. From Conscious competence to Unconscious Competence…. What to Who…Web to the spider!
A few participants’ comments:
- ‘The biggest ROI of this journey is personal transformation’
- ‘Relationships move to a different level’, at home & at work.
- ‘The ability to park all the accumulated wisdom and becoming a student again must be the entry ticket for this program’

Regal Unlimited — ICF coach training
The last and final classroom session, at PCC level, for a batch is always very deep. We go beyond the science & process to the art of coaching.We explore underlying emotions. We go beyond what is said and listen to what is unsaid. Dancing with the client, a jugalbandhi, is the state we all experience, together. Anything less is not mastery at this level.
As such the connect with the group also grows deeper. The learning is mutual, we (facilitators) learn more, about coaching, and about ourselves.
We are blessed to witness the coaches move to Unconscious Competence in coaching and at a deeper space within.
Being a Coach: We had some of our alumni, RegalCoaches, passing by and supporting the current batch, coaching/being coached/just being there. We are a very special group of coaches, quite like redwood trees!
“The redwood trees became giants and famous not by competing with other trees, but by simply growing themselves and collaborating between themselves.” Inspiration: Be a giant by simply working on self everyday and collaborating with others, without feeling a compelling need to compete with others.

dr Bruce Lipton
The concepts we covered included:
- Tim Gallwey, Inner Game
- Dr Bruce Lipton/Biology of Belief
- Vulnerability & Authenticity/Brene Brown
- Coaching for Performance by Sir John Whitmore (a new edition)
- ‘Miracle Morning’
- The power of ‘Simplicity’, the power of subconscious mind.
This quote stayed on…’You are personally responsible for everything in your life once you become personally aware of everything in your life’
Coaching practise is at the core of these sessions. It is about actual coaching practice, ‘role plays’. This is where we discover ourselves, ‘peeling the onion’, at a personal level.
One such coaching conversation:
coach: ‘Who are you?
coachee: I am a soul who wants larger things for humanity connected with mother nature.
- It was art in display, in all its magnificence… by the coach
- And the coachee, connected with a deeper purpose. #LifePurpose
We had coaches arriving at their coaching niche: Performance Coach, CoachConsult. This is beyond marketing, segmentation, positioning… passion, life purpose and living a self-actualized state.
We also discussed managing the practice (business) of coaching, the Business Wheel, Leadership, Coach2Regal for group/systemic coaching for corporates..

When some of us passed by the kids’ corner at our venue, Crowne Plaza, post-lunch
Coaching at a mastery level is a conversation between best friends.
This google study keeps coming up in our discussion:
What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team: New research reveals surprising truths about why some work groups thrive and others falter. By one of my fav authors, Charles Duhigg.