by regal-admin | Jul 6, 2019 | Coach Training
Coaching is about ‘maximizing potential, personal and professional’. – It is different from training, consulting, guiding, mentoring, delegating, supporting and therapy. – Coaching is a process, but also much more than that… an art....
by regal-admin | May 25, 2019 | Coach Training
Regal Coach Certification (#RCC) Program for Leaders, corporate/others, entrepreneurs, professionals: Session #2: A deep dive into ‘leader as a coach’. We discussed, in detail – What is coaching, what is not? How is different from therapy,...
by regal-admin | Oct 31, 2018 | Leadership Coach
I was at a private life insurance company branch this morning. After I finished my work with them, the executive started hard-selling their cancer care policy!! I requested him not to push these products on their customers ? Health insurance, I can understand. But why...
by regal-admin | Oct 5, 2018 | Coach Training
Learning to coach, adding coaching skills to leadership, and incorporating elements of coaching into life… These are all part of the journey of an aspiring, un-credentialed coach when s/he embarks on coach-training. Obtaining a credential is not the end of the...
by Subash CV | Sep 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
‘Coaching Leaders, Mentoring Coaches’ The #Academy at Regal Unlimited is 3 years young. We started this journey in September 2014. – Conducted programs for leaders and aspiring/uncredentialed coaches in India, and abroad. – Participants flew in...