Regal Blogs

Strategies for Developing Leaders As Coaches

Strategies for Developing Leaders As Coaches

The coaching leadership style is fast gaining momentum in the corporate world. As the corporate world reels under silent (and significant) problems of Moonlighting, Quiet Quitting, & The Great Resignation – the traditional leadership style of Command – Control has to be shunned. 

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Why Leaders Should Consider Becoming a Coach, Now More Than Ever

Why Leaders Should Consider Becoming a Coach, Now More Than Ever

The quote above reveals a profound truth. The long game of survival is won not by might or intelligence, but by one humble trait, adaptability.
Leadership is not a short, thrilling T20 game, but a gruelling test match. Might, intelligence, or ability are inadequate if you want to be in the long game. When push comes to shove, can you adapt? That decides whether you survive 5 years or thrive 25 years in the leadership space.

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Good to Great – The Journey of an Agile Coach

Good to Great – The Journey of an Agile Coach

Ginu Samuel, an Agile Coach who is currently pursuing his ICF Coach Training & Certification, demystifies these important, relevant queries for the benefit of Agile Enthusiasts and Scrum Masters as he recounts the experiences and learnings from his ICF coaching journey. Let’s hear from him!

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What Is Required for ICF Coaching Credential Renewal?

What Is Required for ICF Coaching Credential Renewal?

All great things start with asking questions. There is so much information about the various topics pertaining to ICF Coaching and Coach Training. With the help of these blog posts, we aim to bring about more clarity on topics surrounding ICF Coaching and Coach Training topics.

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Introduction to ICF Code of Ethics

Introduction to ICF Code of Ethics

Coaching as a profession is still largely unregulated. However, in the last 25 years, International Coaching Federation (ICF) has successfully established itself as the Golden Standard of Coaching.

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