Regal Blogs

Have You Discovered the Leader Within?

Have You Discovered the Leader Within?

Regal Unlimited’s 12th year anniversary is just around the corner and it feels like the perfect time to reflect on our journey. Back in May, we took the opportunity to review our direction and...

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ICF CC6: Listens Actively

ICF CC6: Listens Actively

Author: J LakshminarayananOverviewListen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we...

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The Role of Continuous Education in Maintaining ICF Credential

The Role of Continuous Education in Maintaining ICF Credential

Obtaining an International Coach Federation (ICF) credential indicates a commitment to learning and excellence. The coaching field is dynamic, continually evolving with new insights, methodologies, and best practices. The ICF recognizes this ever-changing landscape and mandates Continuous Coach Education (CCE) as a cornerstone for credential renewal. The commitment to continuous education ensures that coaches remain at the forefront of the profession, providing the highest quality of service to their clients.

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