Building a Coaching Mindset
Developing leaders who coach their teams to greater success

Our Regal Clients
The Future of Leadership is Coaching
Your Leaders can train. Your Leaders can mentor.
Your Leaders can influence.
But can your leaders COACH?
Coaching is THE leadership style for the 21st century. Organizations worldwide are embracing the style of leadership coaching to enhance business performance and propel themselves into the future.

Sign Up
Are you ready to move into the future?
Sign up for our Building a Coaching Mindset Program to unlock your leadership coaching potential & train your leaders to COACH teams & peers to exceed expectations at excel.
Benefits of being a Leaders As Coach
For Leaders
- Navigate change with vision
- Foster innovation and creativity
- Lead millennial and Gen-Z teams
- Create an Agile culture
- Nurture upcoming leaders
For Organizations
- Navigate change with vision
- Foster innovation and creativity
- Lead millennial and Gen-Z teams
- Create an Agile culture
- Nurture upcoming leaders
Is Regal Coach Certification For You?
- Are looking to amplify their performance and increase their productivity.
- Are looking to give their career growth an ‘orbit-shift’ through necessary leadership and coaching skills.
- Want their teams to comprise free thinkers who can think and do what they have never done before.
- Stimulate novel thinking in teams and find newer solutions to problems that they have never faced before.
- Want to inspire people, embed accountability in the team and maximize the output from the teams.
Building a Coaching Mindset Program
We are pioneers in creating dynamic coaching leaders for organizations that want to embed a leadership coaching culture into their systems. We have trained more than 1000 leaders. Listen to a leader who benefitted from our Building a Coaching Mindset program spell out why more leaders should take up this program.
Leadership as a Coach is a transformative experience. It is a programme I would highly recommend to all those who either Lead or aspire to Lead. I would recommend this course even to Teachers and Parents. The course is a journey to self discovery. Every conversation post this course will be more meaningful and enriching. My three takeaways from this course are: This is a journey of Self transformation. Coaching helps you become a better listener. Coaching is an empowering exercise. Thank you Debi, Subash and all my fellow participants for such an enriching experience.
Partish Dubey
Managing Director,
Kuber Capital Ltd | Chicago Booth I SSSIHL | Sear…
A very reflective learning session for all the participants. Most important takeaway for me is “The coachee with the right support, has the potential to solve his own challenges” This was a bulb on moment and very useful to implement in everyday work situations. The program has helped me to understand the power of the coaching process and I would be moving further on this journey with ACC certification. Kudos to Debi Prasad [as and Subash CV for their efforts
Ajit Yadwadkar
Head HR at Loantap Financial Technologies | Fintech
Overview of Building a Coaching Mindset Program
Our Building a Coaching Mindset program is a carefully curated, unique leadership training module structured keeping in mind the needs of current and future corporate leaders. The Building a Coaching Mindset program is a vibrant partnership between the coach and the leader. Transformation happens when leaders take ownership of learning and put coaching concepts into practice in between and after sessions.
Features of Building a Coaching Mindset Program
- 60 day (minimum) training program based on ICF and EMCC coaching competencies.
- We conduct dedicated programs to train leadership at all levels.
- Customized content & delivery to suit the diverse needs of organizations and leaders.
- Both online and offline training are available. The location for live training decided in discussion with the client organization.
- Training by Subash CV (MCC), a leading Leadership & Executive Coach, Founder, and Managing Partner of Regal Unlimited.
- 10 hours of concepts, theory, processes, and skills plus 10 hours of mentored coaching practice with a Regal Coach.
- We cover topics such as Level 5 Leadership, Emotional Quotient for Leaders, and Vulnerability & Authenticity for Leaders to Lead Organizations.
- We uphold the spirit of adult learning with relevant, real world assignments that enrich your learning experience.
- A session of our flagship and critically acclaimed Regal @60 tool helps you align your life with your personal and professional goals.
- 1 hour of personal mentoring after 30 days of the course to address roadblocks.
Who Should Attend the Building a Coaching Mindset Program
Following leaders from organizations and businesses can benefit from our Building a Coaching Mindset program:
- CXOs, COOs & CEOs
- Corporate leaders across all functions and levels.
- HR Leaders
- Leaders of small businesses
- Team and Project leaders
- Middle-level managers stepping up to be leaders

Are you looking for a program tailor-made for your organization? Let’s get on a call to discuss your specific requirements.
If You Want Leaders Who Can
Our Building a Coaching Mindset Program is Perfect For Your Organization
Communicate Effectively
Inspire & Motivate Teams
Enhance Business Performance
Develop Team Members
Manage Intra-team Dynamics
Think Out of the Box
Foster Creativity in Others
Increase Team Productivity
“Feeling blessed to have been a part of this empowering journey. Thanks, Subhash. This entire process has been a coach to me in itself. It has, in a way, given me a great insight about myself, life, people…. from here, I need to find out how best I can use it and make it a part of my being. Can’t say how good a coach I would be, though I am a more thoughtful person now for sure. As Subhash mentioned- Now is the beginning! Best wishes.”
“Thanks for being my mentor. While I originally signed up because this was a formality to be completed, I realised the true value of being mentored by you, right from our very first session. Also, while I had already been through much of the content during my ACSTH program, your approach was very different and the opportunity to discuss the concepts as they showed up (or not) in my own experience, with a senior coach was invaluable. Working with fellow participants who were new to coaching was also a great experience. Some of their questions provided perspectives that I would not likely explore on my own. Also made the value of bringing a beginner’s mind to everything clear- though obviously it is something that I need to develop in myself.”
Narayan Kamath, ACC
Test Your Leadership Effectiveness with this Quiz
There are various leadership styles from Charismatic, Transactional, Laissez -faire to Hybrid, and everyone has their own.
The more important thing is your style being effective and creating an impact.
Challenge yourself with this quiz and find out how effective is your leadership style?
Building a Coaching Mindset
If You Want Leaders Who Can
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Building a Coaching Mindset Program benefit leaders?
The Building a Coaching Mindset program benefits leaders in the following ways
- Future-proof your leadership style
- Integrate versatile leadership styles
- Lead diverse personalities effectively
- Improve collaboration within teams
- Explore potential as an individual & leader
- Navigate change with vision
- Foster innovation and creativity
- Lead millennial and Gen-Z teams
- Boost employee productivity
- Create an Agile culture
- Nurture upcoming leaders
- Build coaching culture
Who are Leaders as Coach
Leaders as coach are leaders who follow a coaching style of leadership. This style is characterized by partnering, collaboration, guidance, and support.
How does Building a Coaching Mindset benefit organizations?
The Building a Coaching Mindset program benefits organizations in the following ways
More agility, flexibility and adaptability
Emerge as a hotbed of innovation
Develop the leadership pipeline to create able successors
Improved employee productivity
Increased revenue growth
Discover opportunities in uncertainties
Stay relevant for all times by embedding a coaching culture
Loyal, self-accountable employees
Higher employee engagement
Happy workplaces
Reducing or arresting attrition
Development of a healthy company culture
What does a leadership coach do?
- Leadership coaching focuses on creating mindful, compassionate, competent leaders who can inspire and motivate employees and teams. In leadership coaching, a leadership coach works with the client to develop skills, abilities, and competencies to help them perform better as leaders. Leadership coaching identifies and resolves weaknesses and blind spots to enhance performance and increase effectiveness. So there is more focus on personal development.
How much do leadership coaches charge?
Anywhere between INR 50,000 to INR 4,00,000, per leader, depending on the client company’s budget and the professional credentials of the leadership coach
Why are coaching leaders or leaders as coach important?
Daniel Goleman, a renowned author and science journalist has said that coaching leadership style is the leadership style for the 21st century. In an ever-changing world, future-proofing one’s leadership is an obvious step. If you don’t adapt, you put yourself at risk of becoming irrelevant! Blackberry laughed at Apple when the latter launched the iPhone. Today, Blackberry has been reduced to a thing of the past.
As companies pivot towards technology and agile teams, which is important, they risk ignoring the human aspect of the business. A lack of human touch in business will come back to bite a business sooner than expected. If technology and humanity go hand in hand, those are 2 Aces that will help you win again and again. Coaching Leadership style helps harmonize technology and the human element which will place you far ahead of the competition.
How do we deliver Building a Coaching Mindset program?
Our Building a Coaching Mindset program is a 60 day program (minimum) available both online and offline.
The duration and location of the program is customized as per the requirements of the client organization.
The live, face-to-face program is held at a location decided by the organization.
What do you need to become a Leaders As Coach?
- A coaching mindset
- An ‘empty cup’
- Open to learning and unlearning
- Practice. Practice. Practice.
How does coaching help leaders?
Leadership coaching benefits leaders personally in the following ways –
Increased Self-Awareness
Enhanced Self-Confidence
Greater Focus and Building on Strengths
Augmented Communication Skills
The professional benefits of leadership coaching are that it-
Brings New Perspectives
Builds Executive Presence
Improves Business Performance
Improves Teamwork and Collaboration
What is the fee and course structure of our Building a Coaching Mindset program?
- Type of course: Short
Format: Face to Face & online
Duration: 60 days minimum
Course Fees: Program price variable depending on the number of leaders participating, specific needs of organization and duration of the course. Contact Anirud, …… to enquire pricing.
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Building a Coaching Mindset Blogs
Empowering Leadership Through Resilient & Strategic Leadership Coaching
Building a Coaching Mindset Developing leaders who coach their teams to greater success Download Brochure clients Our Regal Clients INTRODUCTION The Future of Leadership is Coaching Your Leaders can train. Your Leaders can mentor.Your Leaders can influence.But can your leaders COACH? Coaching is THE leadership style for the 21st century. Organizations…
Coaching for Resilience: Building Strength and Adaptability in Challenging Times
In a constantly evolving world and facing unforeseen challenges and disruptions, resilience has become a crucial trait for individuals and organizations alike. It is the ability to bounce back, adapt, and grow in the face of adversity. It’s about cultivating mental and emotional strength to not only survive but thrive
Demystifying the Parent-Leader Conundrum
Time and growing children wait for none. Your son’s eighth birthday or your daughter’s first guitar recital is never coming back. As leaders & professionals, it is easier to forego family vacations than miss deadlines at work. But be forewarned, you may be losing out on the things and people
Benefits of Leadership Coaching For Leaders & Organizations
Good leadership is about leading yourself, your team and your organization effectively to realize your individual and collective goals. This begins with leading yourself first. Here’s why.
The New Dimension of Leadership Coaching
IQ and EQ can take you to the top. But can they keep you there? “My knowledge, experience, and sharp people skills have always helped me excel. But why aren’t they helping me now?”
Embracing Spiritual Quotient (SQ)- the Next Dimension of Leadership
For long businesses have been driven by financial outcomes, largely supported by the quality of minds in the organization or, simply, the IQ- intelligence quotient. Subsequently, they realized that employees are not mere minds but emotional beings.
Benefits of Leadership Coaching for Entry-Level Leaders
“I wish I had a coach or leadership coaching in my first year as a leader!” Said J, a seasoned leader I coached, at the end of our coaching engagement. As a young, high-potential leader, J took over as head of a company branch with P&L responsibilities...
10 Things You Must Know About Professional Coaching
Professional coaching is one of the least understood and most misunderstood professions today. The wide application of the term ‘coaching’ blurs the lines that sharply demarcate professional coaching from coaching found in the educational or sports arenas.
Optimizing the Team Ecosystem – Building a Foundation for Success
You want leadership teams that can function concordantly as a well-tuned orchestra and create magic for your organization. Otherwise, what can arise is disc(h)ord and disharmony (puns intended :)), which can trickle down the organization structure, causing infights, affecting customer service, and slowing growth for your company.
Why more organisations are choosing to get their staff ICF certified as leadership coaches
‘Coaching is the future of leadership’. Dr Daniel Goleman classified leadership styles based on emotional intelligence. Coaching is the leadership style for the 21st century.