“I do not have a religion of market share, I have a religion of being the best in class for customers. I have the religion to be profitable. ” (response to the last question -chk the link below)
- How many of our telecom operators, retail & otherwise, can make this statement?
- How many of our products and services can claim this?
- More importantly, how many organisations have taken concrete steps to trickle it down, presuming leaders share this value.
Over the last decade, I have personally seen a drop in quality of customer service at broader levels, across all services surely, and also among products, in India. Banking, telecom, call centers, etc have hit notorious levels.
One primary reason is mad chase of top-line/bottom-line/market-share/quarterly-results ?
We conveniently forget it does not work in the long term unless it is holistic. Customer service has to be part of DNA, passion, habit in organisations… only then it will manifest across all levels.
I have a habit of being the best in class for customers: Alcatel-Lucents Michel Combes
Disclosure – I am personally not connected with Alcatel directly, in any way.