International Friendship Day is a day for celebrating friendship.
I always looked at Krishna & Arjun as the best examples of friendship. Blame it on grandma’s stories, not the TV serial, a popular one, I am told.
Always admired the unique fortune of “followers” of Jesus, Prophet, Sri Ramakrishna, Buddha… the Master with his friends, not ‘disciples/followers’, as the world understood.
Initially created by the greeting card industry, friendship day is one of the most popular events of the world especially to the youth community who want to dedicate this complete day to their most special friends by sharing friendship day quotes. (Wiki)
I am going to meet my best friend today!
Getting ready… actually taking extra-time to spruce-up ☺
We are not meeting at a coffee shop/restaurant or any of those usual places.
Would get to meet few other very good friends too…
Feeling Blessed!
Happy Friendship Day!