Why do we ignore other sportspersons, esp non-cricketers? Do we need to have a league in every sport to make it remunerative for the players? Then what are sports ministries, and sports bodies? Sad the sponsors have put on cricket-blinkers!
“The biggest problem for me there was not going to college,” There is a valuable lesson here for all sportspersons and others (entrepreneurs to artists). Our education system, with all its imperfections, teaches us some valuable lessons, on subjects, soft skills to leadership.
Our generation was not happy when parents linked everything to studies and marks. But today we are grateful. I may not have fulfilled the dream of pursuing my dream. But eventually, I am closer to my life purpose. That alone matters.

PC The Hindu
The most heart-wrenching part of the story in The Hindu on the basketball player is how his coach did not give him a lot of opportunities to play… These teams, with all focus on winning, may not be able to accommodate all players, all the time, to the players’ satisfaction. It is all commercial now, even in sport.
But a coach should have and demonstrate, communicate a long-term view of the team and also handle this emotional baggage of young players. Also, the captain, support staff, etc.
Having played sports extensively during school, college days, I know how it is to be a fringe player. I was a fringe player in soccer, basketball (168 cm height did not help), badminton, kabbadi and TT. But in all these games I have played at school/district, university level. All are not Rohit Sharmas, who get enough chances for the sheer super-talent.
While I understand what it is to be a not a gifted player, I am wondering what is the coach doing? I bring this awareness into my coaching and coach training.
Leadership/Executive Coaching borrows heavily from sports. A lot of people confuse it with sports-training/coaching/mentoring. But, it is a lot different. That brings me to the important point.
– How do coaches treat their coachees?
– How do leaders treat their team, in corporate/business/institutions and politics?
Your legacy as a coach/leader depends on it.
A coach/leader has to be
- selfless
- helpful
- ‘client’ centric (team, coachee)
- able to trust the coaching process
- empathetic
Very often the players are like Ekalavya for a coach like Dronacharya. Dronacharya was selfish about his own Arjuna, (and later Duryodhana and always attached to his son). It does not help the legacy, in an open, well-connected world.
Coach or a leader, it has to be #I2We2He. Else the legacy may lose all its shine soon after we hit the grave.