Regal Coach Certification (#RCC) Program for Leaders, corporate/others, entrepreneurs, professionals:
Session #2: A deep dive into ‘leader as a coach’.
We discussed, in detail
– What is coaching, what is not? How is different from therapy, mentoring.
Focus on choice, awareness.
– What are the qualities of a coach-leader?
How do we leaders build the muscle of positivity, empowerment, balance humility with aggression/assertiveness?
– Potential benefits of the leader as a coach?
What is one toxic relationship you want to resolve now?
– International Coach Federation (ICF) Coaching competencies (CC), a helicopter view – Deep dive into listening (CC#5)
– Is Ethics (CC #1) a competency?
All with focus on #leadership at work, esp handling negative people, some of the challenges we face daily.
(and this image came to me through Whatsapp – beautiful coincidence!)
What is it magic you want to manifest as part of this journey? #ManifestMagic
It is a blessing to be a leader. It is a choice to be a leader as a #Coach.