Seth’s Blog: Deconstructing generosity

Just brilliant… Seth Godin at his best… Must read (sharing the entire post below.. Highlights are my take-aways!) The connection economy is based on generosity. After all, why would someone want to connect to a selfish organization? But the critical need for...


Master says, “Watch your Words, Action, Thoughts, Character and Heart” Words : We often discuss the current affairs, stories we read, soaps we watch on idiot box and sheer gossip… by doing so, we are spreading negativity into ourslves, into others and beyond… thus The...

health – Prevention is the key

‘…”The health industry is essentially a sickness industry …. My prediction for the near future for those interested in health and well-being is that physicians, nutritionists, health practitioners, physical therapists, nurses, massage therapists, counselors, LIFE...

Pricing Dilemma

Came across this post on ‘Pricing’…. Pricing is an art & science… Seth Godin puts it beautifully. My ‘pricing strategy’ is more than my banking days, it is question of commitment!, from client, of course… For all my current & prospective clients ????...