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regal unlimited


The Hero’s Journey, after 18 years’ failure

The Hero’s Journey, after 18 years’ failure

‘Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future’ – Oscar Wilde. I share a lot of gyaan on parenting as a lot of leaders/clients are struggling with parenting, relationships, careers, health, and life.
This video is not about parenting, but about growing up…

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ICF coach training – Avoid herd mentality in your journey to ‘Become a Coach’

ICF coach training – Avoid herd mentality in your journey to ‘Become a Coach’

We are social animals. Herd mentality is part of us. The brain and the mind will choose what is convenient, comfortable. Not necessarily, what is the best. ICF Coach training to become a coach, a professional coach, is too important a decision to go by herd mentality. It is also your journey to full potential, as a coach, professional, and a human being. You deserve the best!

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