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regal unlimited

Why ICF mandates Coach Mentoring? – Thoughts by Pattabiraman Nagarajan
This quote from Dr. Stephen Covey is related to his 7th habit (7 Habits of highly effective people) calls for continuous improvement for everyone. This, according to Covey helps them to be in a better position to manage change, and move in an upward spiral of growth and change.
Value of Coaching in Organisations – Power Talk
While Coaching in sports and academics has shown tangible value, I have often wondered, what is the real value of coaching to an organization, its culture, and delivering value to the business? This...
Coaching for Empowerment and Well-being – Power Talk
At the outset, let me confess that I was personally looking forward to this session, and I must commend the organizing team of ICF Coaching Conclave 2021, India to have included a...
Organizational Coaching Culture – The Need of the Hour
A growing number of organizations build a coaching culture that offers employees at all levels the opportunity to grow their skills, enhance their value and reach their professional...
Resilience Coaching- Power Talk by Dr. Srikumar Rao
Resilience - the word that is most searched & talked about in the last 18 months or so. Abraham Lincoln said, "It's not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up". The...
How Coaching Drives Business Excellence – Power Talk
Business excellence as studied in my MBA had two critical elements, organizational performance, and organizational climate. While many leaders focus on performance, the research indicates that it is...
The Atma Nirbhar Story of Bharat – Keynote Address at ICF Coaching Conclave, India 2021
The ICF Coaching Conclave 2021, India had a series of accomplished leaders sharing their most valuable insights covering a vast range of topics revolving around coaching. I also got an opportunity...
The Hero’s Journey, after 18 years’ failure
‘Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future’ – Oscar Wilde. I share a lot of gyaan on parenting as a lot of leaders/clients are struggling with parenting, relationships, careers, health, and life.
This video is not about parenting, but about growing up…
Coach to evolve yourself and the environment – By Gomathy
It was during the pandemic in 2019 - 20, I was thinking of upgrading myself. There was a loud thought as to what would fit me better, being a commerce graduate and having worked with different MNCs...
The evolution of Sports – impact on Leadership, Business, Professional Coaching
Arrow Wizardry: We thought 'bow-and-arrow precision could not be perfected much more than it had already been down the ages'. We all know how even track events have seen new records, held...
ICF coach training – Avoid herd mentality in your journey to ‘Become a Coach’
We are social animals. Herd mentality is part of us. The brain and the mind will choose what is convenient, comfortable. Not necessarily, what is the best. ICF Coach training to become a coach, a professional coach, is too important a decision to go by herd mentality. It is also your journey to full potential, as a coach, professional, and a human being. You deserve the best!
Command (& Control) Politics, Olympics – Leadership, Coaching, Sports
Political Leadership: An interesting discussion on The Print by Mr Shekhar Gupta on high command politics, which thrives on 'good', old command & control leadership. That style belonged to an...