• You can be happy at work?
  • You can find fulfillment at work?
  • Best places to work is not a mirage?
  • Success at work need not come with failure elsewhere – family, health?

Wish to shift gears in your life?

  • if the answer is ‘no’, exit ๐Ÿ™‚ I wonder, ‘what is the excuse?’
  • if the answer is ‘yes‘, stay on…

Wherever you are in life and if you wish to move to the next level, personal and professional… Our unique CMLH Coaching is about moving from the current state to a more resourceful state. It is not linear.

We bring together a unique mix of

1. C: Leadership/Executive Coaching

2. H: Healing, Counselling, Life Coaching

3. L: Leadership Workshops

4. M: Coach Training & Mentoring

By professionals in each of the areas, with training, credentials, experience & proven track record

You decide the modality and we will help you to connect with the right professional. If you trust the process and stay on track, you will be surprised with the results.

We co-create magic, a dream of your lives, in a way that is win-win-win for all. We don’t manipulate. But the Universe conspires. It includes positive changes at work, healing at physical/ mental/ emotional/ spiritual levels.

If you are ready for manifesting the magic, nothing less, connect with us at info@regalunlimited.com

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