Leadership at Regal Unlimited
For the difference that ‘Regal Unlimited’ brings to the coachees’ personal and professional life, Subash CV, the founder coach, was named as ‘highly commended’ by the awards panel at 2016 European Mentoring & Coaching Council (EMCC) Mentoring awards.

Subash CV – Leadership & Executive Coach, ICF MCC
Subash has 25 years of experience in corporate and business world, leading and mentoring. He has worked in different parts of India, and Middle East, in business leadership coaching roles. As a leader, business owner and mentor coach, he has consistently created coach-centric workplaces
MBA (1990), he completed leadership coaching program at INSEAD (ILPSE 2012-2013). He is a Professional Certified Coach (ICF) and a certified mentor coach (MCCP)
He works with corporate leaders, self-employed professionals, entrepreneurs & others, One-to-One & teams. His clientele includes leading organizations and/or employees of Accenture, TCS, Times Group, Tata Motors, Himalaya Wellness, St. Gobain, Interphase, Armstrong, National Commercial Bank, Al Rajhi Bank, etc. He is a Facilitator, UNCTAD-Empretec.
To know more about Subash CV, visit his LinkedIn profile here.

Anjana Subash – Life coach, Healer
Anjana is a certified
- Life Coach/Healing Coach/Counselor
- Basic and Advance DNA Theta Healing Practitioner at Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge(THINK)
- Access Consciousness (Bar Healing practitioner)
- Quantum Touch
- Phyllis Krystal method of ‘Cutting the Ties That Bind’ practitioner
- Motivational Speaker
She has been associated with “Education in Human Values” (EHV) programs for children.
To know more about Anjana, visit her LinkedIn profile here.
Feel the power of bliss on her exclusive page on theta healing and bar healing. Like the page “Bliss Nirkunsh” here