Leadership Coaching
GoDigital is no longer a choice. But an urgent need. The image is how I felt being pushed:)
“If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business.” – Bill Gates.
When I came across this quote, I thought we were already online. All my leadership coaching sessions were online. Now, I realize we are only partly on the internet—miles to go before we truly arrive in the digital world, whether it be leadership coaching or ICF coach training!
Taking Leadership Coaching Online:
A technology upgrade is an urgent and essential need. Being non-essential on the web (for any genuine reason, like being unable/possible to procure & upgrade quickly) is not the right reason to stay away from the digital explosion. So, if we can take leadership coaching online, why not train leadership coaches (and all coaches, for that matter) online?
In these dark, uncertain times, leadership coaching is more relevant than ever! So, it is imperative that we empower more coaches the ICF way! This is also a time when leaders are looking to pivot or reskill. By becoming coaches, they can use leadership coaching for their leaders & teams and become an asset to their organizations.
Individual Growth:
An added benefit of leadership coaching &/or becoming a leadership coach, especially during the pandemic, is the opportunity to grow as individuals. In leadership coaching, a coach can make the leader self-aware of existing blind spots and lacunae. The ICF coach training helps with the same in a more rigorous manner.
And believe it or not, coaching can support leaders to become better spouses and parents. Yes, leadership coaching/ICF coach training can help with parenting, the toughest job in the world, especially in Covid times!
Leadership Coaching Journey:
We are happy to share that we are now ready to #GoDigital, to the next level. We will offer our best-in-category ICF-approved #coachtraining online/live. Online, but live only. You can’t become a coach listening to online sessions which are pre-recorded. Thanks to the group who have registered to join us for this journey, willing to start online, though the preference was for the classroom. This journey is about:
- We are happy to share that we are now ready to #GoDigital, to the next level. We will offer our best-in-category ICF-approved #coachtraining online/live. Online, but live only. You can’t become a coach listening to online sessions which are pre-recorded. Thanks to the group who have registered to join us for this journey, willing to start online, though the preference was for the classroom. This journey is about:1. Journey – the journey to becoming a coach and then being a coach, thus coaching from a state of being. ICF mandates a rigorous journey with five steps for ICF Coach Training. This journey is self-rewarding.
- Destination – the milestones in the journey like the completion of the assignments, completion of 100 hours of practice, obtaining a completion certificate from Regal Unlimited, becoming an ICF member, ICF applications, the test, and then the credential (ACC/PCC/MCC). All these milestones are as important as the journey. The coach is evolving at every step, experiencing self-transformation, and thus evolving to serve the clients.
- The Company. The learner coaches learn as much from the cohort and the alumni as the mentors. It is an adult learning program with all its nuances. Hence the cohort’s willingness to move online is very satisfying.
Starting on 18Th April. To know more/register,
• please visit https://regalunlimited.com/icf-approved-coach-training-certification/
• write to info@regalunlimited.com
A larger question for the leaders here is, how are you managing this urgency to go digital?
Best wishes to #StaySafe, #GoDigital, and #StayBlessed.
#icf #experiencecoaching #executivecoaching #teamcoaching #covid19 #covidlockdown #ACC