- ‘Unlike therapists, life coaches don’t diagnose or treat anything’: Indeed, the coach does not diagnose. But helps the coachee to go to the root of the ‘problem/opportunity/situation…..’ In the process, the coachee may choose to move from the current state to a more to a more resourceful state, at a pace, in a way that suits her best. For the coach is working on the coachee’s agenda, with a ‘detached-attachment’.
- ‘and unlike supportive friends, they charge money to listen’ – how many of us listen at a deep level? We at best hear. We hear to respond. We don’t listen in a way a coach is expected to and trained to. This is at a deeper level compared to what is taught in a management school or in our corporate training. Most of us only pretend to listen, at best.
- ‘Is the hit to the wallet worth it?’ Purely coachee’s choice. Normally, after a first complementary session, the coachee selects the coach. Also, financials, apart from other elements of engagement. This is part of ethics &agreement elements of ICF competencies. Also, at any point of time the coachee (also the coach) has the option to call off the engagement.
- Not all can handle coaching. You need a coaching mindset, experience, credential (ICF being the most preferred) and track-record. Pretty much like a good doctor.
- A coach will ask powerful questions, exhibit great presence, engage client in deep communication, ensure trust, maintain highest ethics and also insist upon action, through support & follow-up (all ICF coaching competencies)
A real coach operates at a state of Being, totally self-less and with unconditional love. It has to be experienced…
Original post theguardian: $229 an hour to find your best self: welcome to the world of life coaches